Masoala National Park tour

Masoala is Madagascar’s largest protected area, covering 2,300 square kilometers of rainforests and 100 square kilometers of marine parks. The park was created in 1997 to preserve this unique ecosystem, consisting of coastal rainforests, flooded forests, swamps and mangroves from serious threats from local communities, which depend on the area of ​​agricultural land and firewood, as well as on international logging companies, seeking to harvest. wood.

The fact that the Masoala Peninsula is truly exceptional is not new: two percent of all species of animals and plants on planet Earth live here. Some species, such as yes, red-haired lemur, Madagascar red owl and extremely rare snake eagle, are endemic to the peninsula and therefore are not found anywhere else. Masoala is fraught with many other new products.
Forests in the park abound in chameleons, geckos, frogs, as well as several species of butterflies and fish that are new to science. As if this were not enough, forests filled with rare endemic species descend to the edge of an untouched, untouched coast, strewn with unexplored golden beaches and three marine parks that protect more than 10,000 hectares of coral reefs, marine plants and mangroves around the peninsula. Currently, over 3001 species of fish are registered in marine parks. In addition, Anthil Bay itself is also used as a sheltered place by humpback whales, which gather here during the breeding season. During the months of the Australian summer, Antongil’s waters literally foam with cetaceans. The region also supports one of the most diverse palm groups in the world.

The possibilities of hiking and trekking are huge. The main routes for visitors lie in Nosy Mangaba, Tampolo / Ambodiforaha, Cap Est, and a multi-day trip through the peninsula is possible. One of the best areas is the Alohatrozana trail, a stunning virgin rainforest located about halfway down the western side of the peninsula. On the west coast of Lohatrozon is a paradise for bird watchers. A wonderful mangrove forest grows in the Tanjon marine reserve. The marine reserves of Tampolo, Ambodirafia and Marofotra have superb corals and beautiful clean beaches, ideal for swimming. Exploring the coastal trail, the trail between Alhoatrozan and Antalavia is interwoven between golden sand beaches, rocky bays and dense forest, where perhaps the most beautiful place in Masoal.

Camping is also possible in Masoala. In Antalavian, a three-hour drive from Tampolo, there is a wonderfully located campsite. Other campsites are located in Tanjon, Masoale and Marofotra.

Several multi-day trips of varying difficulty are also possible on the peninsula:

Maroantsetra – Antalaha on the inner trail: 3-5 days, depending on conditions and pace.
If you want to experience the rainforest on this hike, it is best to spend the night in Ambatoledam and explore the Ambatoledam corridor. Otherwise, a 45-minute walk along the corridor will be your only chance to see a protected forest park on this route.

Maroantsetra to Antalahu – coastal route: 10 – 14 days
In this difficult journey, you will go on local routes from Maroantsetra, down the picturesque coast of the Masoala Peninsula. You will pass through the park in several places, through villages and along the coastline of marine parks. You can stay for a few nights in Tampolo. Other beautiful places include Ambodilayters, where there is shelter for tents, Cap Masoala, Vinanivao, Ratsianarana and Cap Est.

For any visit to Masoala, remember: this is an exceptionally humid area of ​​Madagascar. The best chance of a dry visit from September to December. If you come in high season, be sure to book in advance if you plan to arrive at this time of the year: accommodation on the peninsula is still limited.

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