Tour to Diego Suarez

The city of Diego Suarez got its name from the Portuguese discoverers Diego Diaz and Fernando Suarez somewhere in the 16th century and retained its name until 1975. Then it was renamed Antsiranana, which means “port” or “thirsty city.” This city is one of the best closed harbors in the world – a huge water area (156 sq km). It is the third port of the island and the largest city in the north of Madagascar. The population is about 80,000 inhabitants. Natural unique conditions for navigation – great depth and protected area from the violent ocean make it possible to accommodate up to 10 heavy tankers.

With regard to drought, the geological structure of the relief (basalt rocks) in the Diego Suarez area does not allow sufficient moisture storage in the soil, which leads to drought in this area.

The general architecture of the city resembles more than half a century of presence of the French army. There are many old military buildings that testify to this. The city is full of history and consists of numerous communities, the vast majority are traders with different origins, Yemenis, Somalis, Comorians, Chinese, Pakistani Indians, French, who get along well with the local population of Antankaran.

Diego Suarez offers many unique natural sites and attractions.

Diego Suarez Castles.

1. Windsor castle

Windsor Castle is one of the island’s landmarks to visit in Madagascar.

It got its name from the location of the rocks that resemble an old English castle. The castle has two towers 5 and 6 meters high, which are built of strong stones. Inside there is a steep stone staircase that leads to the observation deck. If you go up, you can see a wonderful view of the Mozambique Canal, Indian Ocean and Diego Bay

Straits of Diego Suarez

2. Mozambique Strait.

Between the island of Madagascar and continental Africa in the west of the Indian Ocean lies the Mozambique Channel, which is considered the longest on earth – about 1,760 km long and 925 km wide. The nature of the Mozambique Strait is unique: only here you can see unique fish species that are twice as old as dinosaurs. This fish is called Celacanth. And also it is in these waters that the largest stingray called “Manta” lives. The underwater world of the Mozambique Channel is attracting more and more divers from all over the world!

3. Conservation area of ​​Ankaran

The protected park, located in the north of Madagascar, is a plain of limestone and basalt rock, which is 50 meters above sea level and covers an area of ​​18,225 hectares. This is a unique place with numerous canyons and caves, beautiful lakes and rivers, as well as scurvy, the second largest.

Unique flora and fauna. The flora and fauna are diverse and unique. In total, 60 species of reptiles and amphibians, 96 species of birds, 50 species of molluscs that live in scurvy live on the territory of the park.

The Ankarana massif is unique for its impressive views of the Tsingimel reliefs of limestone needles with a height of about one hundred meters. And also in the region there are 80 km of underground caves and rivers, as well as a fauna rich in lemurs.

4. Dune Bay

If you want to enjoy magnificent landscapes, amazing rare birds, pristine sandy beaches, then this is the place you should definitely visit. This cove is surrounded by the Indian Ocean and vibrant rainforest. It is here that coral reefs are located, including rare black corals.

The beaches are at the complete disposal of tourists. The hotels located on the coast of the bay do not interfere with their views, as they are hidden behind lush tropical vegetation, so you can feel here a complete merger with nature.

5. Amber Mountain National Park

30 km from the city of Diego Suarez is the Madagascar National Park, in which the main attraction is very beautiful waterfalls. There are several of them in the park, but the largest waterfall is special and is called the “Sacred Waterfall”. These waterfalls are not only beautiful, but also serve as a place of worship for local residents, as they believe that through the water it is possible to communicate with their ancestors.

The opening of this oldest park took place in 1958. The park area is 185 square kilometers and is located at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level.

The park is also the main source of water and rainfall for the entire northern part of Madagascar, as it receives 10 times more rainfall than in other parts of the island.

Due to the high humidity and favorable climatic conditions, a large number of animals live in the park, and the flora is rich and diverse. It is here that you can meet unique, rare, beautiful and large butterflies, as well as 25 species of mammals, 75 different species of birds, 60 species of reptiles live on the island.

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