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Le Parc National De L'Andringitra

Ce parc national appartient au Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO. C'est le deuxième plus grand de pointe à Madagascar, basée sur le granit et le gneiss. Une aventure exceptionnelle qui vous attend: des paysages magnifiques, des villages pittoresques et incomparable diversité.

Le Parc National D'Ankarafantsika

Ankarafantsika is one of the largest and last surviving sites of dense dry deciduous forest in Madagascar, which is filled with endangered species of animals. Also here is Lake Ravelobe, filled with crocodiles. The park has a program for

La Réserve De L'Ankarana Tour

Parc National De L'Ankarana (Ankarana) One of the most interesting places in Madagascar is the Anakarana National Park, located in the north of the island. Disturbances are bizarre forms created by nature over a thousand years of formation

Mont Ambre Parc National

The national park of Mount Amber is a volcanic massif that occupies 18.2 thousand hectares. It is located in the northern part of Madagascar. In the park you will see magnificent forests, waterfalls, including La Grande Falls,

Le Parc National de Masoala tour

Masoala is Madagascar’s largest protected area, covering 2,300 square kilometers of rainforests and 100 square kilometers of marine parks. The park was created in 1997 to preserve this unique ecosystem, consisting of coastal

Le Parc National De Ranomafana

Parque de Ranomafana is one of the most beautiful and impressive parks in Madagascar. Ranomafana means “hot water” in Malagasy, the national park includes thermal springs in its long list of natural wonders. The park was founded in

Colline royale d'Ambohimanga tour

The Royal Hill of Ambohimanga is one of the world famous attractions of Madagascar. It is located 20 km north of the capital Antananarivo, near the small town of the same name Ambohimanga. The history of this kingdom dates back to the

Andasibe-Mantadia tour du Parc

Andasibe Mantadia National Park is a paradise for nature lovers with rich and incredible fauna and flora. Located in the Andasibe rural community, this protected area is the most visited in Madagascar. Le seul de la faune dans le monde

Ifaty Visite De La Plage

One of the best beaches! Some say that this is one of the most beautiful places in the world for diving. You decide whether this is true! Lake Ranobe on the banks of the Mozambique Canal and its kilometers of coral reefs are a haven for

Parc National de l'Isalo tour

Isalo is located in the heart of Madagascar, offering magnificent landscapes. Between the lush forests and high plateaus arid on desert lands, you will not be bored. This is one of the most beautiful parks in Madagascar, which has many